Friday, July 16, 2010

mugged or a visit to the dentist?!?

A rather miserable event took place today. I will give you the facts and you can do your best to deduce what actually happened.
1. a man with the acrid smell of cigarettes mixed with other gross stuff was involved
2. the stinky guy was carrying a gun
3. I left the incident and immediately went to the bank to take care of some business there which was necessary because of the amount of money I forfeited on the spot
4. while at the bank, I could not hold a pen to sign my name because I was shaking uncontrollably (it was weird and luckily went away)
5. my jaw feels like it might've been kicked by a kangaroo
6. no kangaroos were actually involved in any way

Happy guessing!


  1. Melissa! That sounds terrible! Where did this kangaroo-kicked-feeling incident occur? I'm guessing you are OK now... I hope so! Oh, and I am also trying to keep up with my blog. Now I have more motivation again because Jared grows so fast and my parents would miss it all if I didn't post pictures. Anyway, I hope all is well and enjoy your cruise! I am jealous!

  2. How many guesses can I have?
    (Good clues, by the way)
